DuoGlide MonaLisa Touch - Tecnologia laser ibrida (CO2 +1540 nm)
DUOGlide garantisce la massima flessibilità
La continua ricerca per migliorare l'efficacia, il comfort e la sicurezza del trattamento per il paziente ha portato alla selezione di due lunghezze d'onda: Una ablativa (CO2) e una termica (1540nm).
La seconda lunghezza d’onda di 1540nm, disponibile nei nuovi sistemi di scansione miniaturizzati, è stata appositamente progettata per ottenere una sinergia con la sorgente laser CO2.
Grazie alla speciale erogazione continua al singolo DOT, gli effetti delle due lunghezze d'onda vengono in questo modo amplificati in modo sinergico, ottenendo un dosaggio di energia inferiore con la stessa efficacia e quindi solo un breve tempo di inattività. Questa flessibilità è particolarmente utile per i trattamenti più complessi come le cicatrici, la pigmentazione della pelle, la ritidosi profonda o per i tipi di pelle più scura.
1540nm: Il partner ideale per una nuova era di terapia laser con sistemi laser CO2
La lunghezza d’onda di 1540nm è stata sviluppata, appositamente per entrare in sinergia con il laser CO2 A causa della speciale emissione sequenziale sui singoli DOT, gli effetti delle due lunghezze d'onda sono amplificati. Questo si traduce in un dosaggio di energia ridotto con la stessa efficacia e si traduce in tempi di inattività più brevi.
Effetto termico più profondo
La sinergia delle due lunghezze d'onda CO2+1540nm raggiunge anche un riscaldamento adiacente all'intera area di scansione e non coagula, raggiungendo un'elevata profondità dermica - cosa che non è possibile con fonti puramente ablative. L'effetto termico raggiunge una profondità che massimizza l'effetto della stimolazione dei tessuti e permette quindi un trattamento ancora più efficace con tempi di guarigione più brevi.
Gamma di sistemi di scansione specializzati
µ-Scan V2LR (MonaLisa Touch Scanner)


D-PULSE - Die spezifische Pulsform für die Vaginalschleimhaut
D-Pulse besteht aus:
- Einen ersten Teil mit konstant hoher Spitzenleistung für die schnelle und schmerzlose oberflächliche Entfernung atrophischer Epithelschleimhaut;
- Einen zweiten variablen Teil mit geringerer Spitzenleistung und längeren Emissionszeiten, der es der Laserenergie ermöglicht, in die Schleimhaut einzudringen und sie in der Tiefe richtig zu stimulieren.

Der DUOGlide ist einzigartig!
Competenza nei laser CO2 ed esperienza con MonaLisa Touch®.

La sinergia vincente di due lunghezze d'onda.

Controllo totale e massima efficacia.

Lavoro interdisciplinare e flessibilità.

Perfetta interazione tra tempi di inattività e risultati.

Massima affidabilità.

SmartStack Funktion

Dank der SmartStack-Funktion ist es möglich, 1-5 aufeinander folgende Pulse an der gleichen Stelle (DOT) zu setzen.
Die SmartStack-Funktion macht Glide/DUOGlide zu einem der sichersten und effektivsten Systeme auf dem Markt.
Maximale Vorteile
- Perfekte Kontrolle der thermischen Wirkung: Zwischen den Pulsen kühlt das Gewebe ab, wodurch thermische Schäden und das Risiko unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen reduziert werden.
- Präzise Kontrolle der Verdampfungstiefe: Verhindert starke Blutungen, was zu einer schnellen Erholungszeit und verbessertem Patientenkomfort.
Deka Mela s.r.l.
Technische Spezifikationen
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Lasertyp |
CO2 RF - PSD® |
Wellenlänge |
10.6 μm |
Laser-Emissionsmodus |
TEM00 |
Emissionsmodi |
CW - SP - DP - HP - UP |
Durchschnittliche Leistung am Handstückausgang |
0.1 - 60 W max |
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Wellenlänge |
1540 nm |
Power |
From 2 W to 10 W |
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Interne Datenbank |
Mehr als 100 werkseitig gespeicherte Protokolle, die über USB aktualisiert werden können. Möglichkeit für den Benutzer, eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von benutzerdefinierten Protokollen zu speichern |
Kontrollpanel |
Color LCD Touch Screen |
Abmessungen und Gewicht |
137 (Breite) x 42 (Länge) x 54 (Tiefe) cm - 70 kg |

Hersteller: DEKA
DUOGlide: Der modernste CO2-Laser für die Photorejuvenation
DUOGlide verfügt über einen optionalen Mikroscanner für Behandlungen in der ästhetischen Medizin und der dermatologischen Chirurgie.
Hier geht es zum DUOGlide DERMA
Studien zu MonaLisa Touch und Lichen sclerosus
V2LR_Baggish_J Gyn Surg_Dec_2016.eng.IN PRESS (https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/gyn.2016.0099) In the lichen sclerosus cohort 24/27 patients who had laser treatment reported cessation of itching and pain/discomfort; and 26/27 women demonstrated visible improvement of skin color, elasticity, vascularity following 3-4 laser treatments.
V2LR_Pagano_et_al_Menopause_2020.eng. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31934950/) vulvar lichen sclerosus resistant to long-term use of topic corticosteroid. We found a significant improvement in vulvar itching (χ [2] = 31,182, P < 0.001), vulvar dryness (χ [2] = 40,364, P < 0.001), superficial dyspareunia (χ [2] = 37,488, P < 0.001), and sensitivity during intercourse (χ [2] = 22,143, P < 0.001) after two CO2 laser cycles.
V2LR_Balchander_et_al_JLGTD_2020.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32068618/ ) Recalcitrant Lichen Sclerosus.
V2LR_Gardner_et_al_Menopause_2021.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33399322/) After the appropriate laser sessions, 72.5% of women described their improvement as significant or more than 66% improvement. In addition, there was a statistically significant reduction in vaginal pain, itching, dyspareunia, and dysuria.
V2LR_Burkett_et_al_O&G_2021.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33957642/ ) Randomized Controlled Trial. Clobetasol vs CO2 laser. Conclusion: Fractionated CO2 laser treatment showed significant improvement in subjective symptoms and objective measures compared with clobetasol propionate, without serious safety or adverse events at 6 months.
V2LR_Filippini_et_al_PPLS_2021.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34878932/ ) Results: VLS-related symptoms and other relevant parameters showed a statistically significant improvement (p < 0.001) after the first laser treatment and kept improving after second and third sessions. […] Vaginal dryness, itching, and burning were significantly improved as well. Most patients declared to be very satisfied with the results of the treatment. A total of 62.8% of the women expressed a satisfaction score ≥8 on a scale from 0 to 10. Conclusions: Fractional microablative CO2 laser treatment seems to be safe and effective to treat VLS and improve VLS-related symptoms.
Studien zu MonaLisa Touch und Stressinkontinenz (randomized trials)
V2LR_Cruz_et_al_Menopause_2017.eng IN PRESS (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28763401/) Vaginal atrophy in donne in menopausa. E’ il primo studio in doppio cieco su MLT. E’ uno studio brasiliano del 2018. Valuta 3 gruppi: laser, estriol e laser + estriol
V2LR_Politano_et_al_Menopause_2019.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31246661/ ) GSM. Lo studio valuta 3 gruppi: laser versus promestriene and lubricant
V2LR_Paraiso_et_al_Menopause_Sep2019.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31574047/ ) GSM. A randomized clinical trial comparing vaginal laser therapy to vaginal estrogen therapy. Conclusions: At 6 months, fractionated CO2 vaginal laser and vaginal estrogen treatment resulted in similar improvement in genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptoms as well as urinary and sexual function. Overall, 70% to 80% of participants were satisfied or very satisfied with either treatment and there were no serious adverse events.
V2LR_Ruanphoo_et_al_Menopause_2020.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345787/ ) Vaginal atrophy. A randomized double-blinded sham-controlled trial.
V2LR_Aguiar_et_al_LSM_2020.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31990089/ ) Urinary Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women. A Randomized Clinical Trial. Evaluatio of Laser, Promestriene, and Vaginal Lubricant.
V2LR_Eftekar_et_al_JLMS_2020.eng (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7369558/ ) Sexual Function in Menopausal Women. A Randomized Controlled Trial. CO2 Fractional Laser vs Premarin Vaginal Cream.
V2LR_Salvatore_et_al_Climacteric_2020.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33089713/ ) GSM. A randomized sham-controlled trial.
V2LR_Dutra_et_al_Menopause_2021.eng (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34010934/ ) GSM. Laser vs vaginal estrogen. A randomized controlled trial. Results: Histological analysis showed a significant increase in the vaginal epithelium thickness at the end of treatment in females in both the laser therapy (P < 0.001) and topical estrogen therapy (P = 0.001) groups. […] Sexual function increased significantly over time in both the topical estrogen therapy (P < 0.001) and laser therapy (P < 0.001) groups. Subjective evaluation through physical examination showed a significant improvement in atrophy in both the groups.
Studien zu MonaLisa Touch und vulvovaginale Therapie (cancer survivors)
V2LR_Pieralli_et_al_Arch Gynecol Obstet_2016.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27170261/ Vulvovaginal atrophy in breast cancer survivors
V2LR_Pagano_et_al_Menopause_2016.eng. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27648595/ Vulvovaginal atrophy in breast cancer survivors
V2LR_Pieralli_et_al_ArchGynecolObstet_2017.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28866727/ Vulvovaginal atrophy in breast cancer survivors
V2LR_Pagano_et_al_Menopause_2017.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29286986/ Vulvovaginal atrophy in breast cancer survivors
V2LR_Gittens_et_al_JCLT_2018.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29883233/ sexual function (also but not only in breast cancer patients)
V2LR_Becorpi_et_al_LasersMedSci_2018.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29492713/ GSM cancer survivors
V2LR_Athanasiou_et_al_LMS_Aug2019.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31396795/ Sexual health in cancer survivors
V2LR_Quick_et_al_SupportCareCancer_2019.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31811486/ GSM in breast cancer survivors
V2LR_Angioli_et_al_IJGC_2020.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32221022/ urogenital syndrome previous gynecological neoplasia. (Cancer survivors)
V2LR_Quick_et_al_Menopause_2021.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33534429/ GSM in breast cancer survivors (sexual function)
V2LR_Gardner_et_al_Menopause_2021.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33399322/ Vulvovaginal symptoms (in menopause, breast cancer, and lichen sclerosus)
V2LR_Siliquini_et_al_The_Breast_J_2021.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33728801/ GSM in cancer patients
V2LR_Quick_et_al_JCM_2022.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35160226/ GSM cancer survivors
V2LR_D`Oria_et_al_EJOGRB_2022.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36037664/ vulvo-vaginal atrophy in cancer patients
Studien zu MonaLisa Touch und vulväre Schmerzen
V2LR_Goldstain_et_al_JSM_2023.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36779572/ Vestibular pain. Safety and efficacy of fractional CO2 laser. A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, prospective clinical study. Multi-centres study getting very good results.
V2LR_Murina_et_al_GynecolEndocrinol_Oct2019.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31637943/ Ospemifene + fractional CO2 laser for postmenopausal vulvar pain.
V2LR_Murina_et_al_J Sex Med_2016.eng https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27864031/ Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment for Vestibulodynia and GSM.
Studien zu DUOGlide MonaLisa Touch mit zwei Wellenlängen
DG_1540_Magni_et_al_Frontiers_2022.eng https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2022.1010878/full
It is a study on dermal fibroblasts but it is equally significant for understanding the principle of action of the second wavelength present in Monalisa Glide. Basically it is shown that not only the irradiation of fibroblasts with 1540 is not cytotoxic (i.e. it does not damage them) but on the contrary it stimulates their proliferation. This research aimed to evaluate the photobiomodulation effect of the 1540 nm wavelength treatment on the proliferation of cultured fibroblast and their ability to express type I and III collagen.