Program Teaching Course
08:45 - 09:00:
Arrival, Beverages, Sandwiches
09:00 - 12:00:
How we eat and drink:
Introduction to oesophageal motility and function Clinical investigation and diagnosis of oesophageal motility disorders by high-resolution manometry (Chicago Classification version 4.0)
Practical demonstration of high-resolution oesophageal impedance-manometry in patients (small groups max 10)
Case presentation and discussion (Please bring your own case.)
12:00 - 12:30:
Lunch Break
12:30 - 16:00:
How we go to the toilet:
Fecal continence and defecation
Clinical assessment and diagnosis of pelvic floor disorders (London Classification)
Practical demonstration of high-resolution anorectal manometry in patients
Pelvic Floor Board: Case presentation and discussion (Please bring your own case.)
about 16:00:
End of the event